This Z-Pro Chassis Rail Protector is designed to keep abrasive rocks from wearing through the underside of your chassis rails in the belly area. This protectors will be printed from A95 TPU filament. It still slides well but will not fall apart on impact. The side of the protector is 2mm thick. This will spacer your sliders out from the chassis a total of 4mm. You will need 12 or 14mm screws depending on what sliders you are using with the protector. The wear plate is 1.2mm thick making it ideal to print with your average printer.
This is the only Printed item that is not covered under warranty. This is because it is specifically designed to be worn out instead of your chassis rail from rubbing on the rocks.
IMPORTANT: Do not use power drivers on 3D printed parts. Over tightening printed parts and cause premature cracking and crushing. Always ensure you hardware will not bottom out in the screw pocket. This can also cause at 3D printed part to break prematurely.
Printed Parts - These parts will be printed in Black (Unless otherwise requested) using advances slicing methods for maximum strength. All 3D printed parts come with a lifetime replacement guarantee. If you break a part, simply send us a photo and your order number. The photo is simply to evaluate for common issues and help identify potential improvements to existing designs.
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